Category Archives: News

April Update

As 2022 progresses and Covid travel restrictions imposed during various lockdowns are relaxed France is returning as an important destination for group travel.

We are focusing on the return of our Armistice International Youth Rugby Festival in October based in Compiegne, and currently taking entries. New video content is now available for group leaders and tour operator partners.

Our groundwork services are providing important advice to our partners as we support education, music, and sporting events.

Rugby World Cup 2023 is fast approaching, and we have a series of unique events ready for incoming supporters from around the world.

This year our nominated charity is Scotty’s Little Soldiers and details about how to donate is on the Charity page.  Please give generously as a team of Ex Servicemen cycle from the Menin Gate, Ypres to Worcester Cathedral.

February Update

After a 2 long years of travel restrictions there appears to be some light appearing as countries tentatively open their borders.

Looking back to February 2020 and a highly successful concert at Amiens Cathedral with an audience of 800 people it is hard to believe that it was the last event we hosted. So many projects were cancelled or suspended.  However, it is with more confidence in 2022 that we begin to prepare to receive visitors at our events and restart groundwork services for Tour Operators.

In March we look forward to receiving our first school group in France with others set to follow.

The programme for this year is expanding as we prepare to host sporting, cultural, commemorative and education events.

The main sporting event in 2022 will be the Armistice International Youth Rugby Festival at Compiegne in October. Reservations are now being taken for this event.

We are currently expanding the number of locations hosting our rugby training camps.

Our planning for the Rugby World Cup 2023 has been completed and we are currently preparing for the Olympic Games 2024 and Rugby League World Cup 2025.

We look forward to working with our partners and receiving visitors, while also creating new friendships.

November Update

We have followed official advice since the advent of Covid in 2020 regarding travel and activities and it has been disappointing to postpone our complete programme for 2 years.

However, we are ready to go again in 2022.

Reservations are being received for our two main rugby festivals, Crowned Mountain in Laon, and the Armistice International Youth Festival in Compiegne, (Follow the website links and view our supporting videos).

Planning for the Rugby World Cup 2023 and Olympic Games 2024 in France is complete and new announcements will be made soon.

We are working closely with our Tour Operator partners preparing new events and providing groundwork advice.

The Charity event for 2022 with Scotty’s Little Soldiers Cycling Team riding from Ypres to Worcester is complete and details about how to donate to them is on the Charity Page of this website.

The most important factor now as we look forward to our restart in 2022 is confidence. Confidence in our planning ability to bring back our established events along with creativity to provide something new.

Finally we look forward to meeting old friends and making new friends at World Travel Market, November 1st and 2nd 2021 at the ExCel Centre in London.

October Update

We are pleased to note that travel restrictions between the UK and Europe and further afield are gradually being relaxed and that Covid vaccinations are being recognised enabling people to travel with greater confidence.

Confidence is the key word particularly regarding group activities, allowing us to complete our planning as we move towards the 2022 schedule and beyond.  In turn our existing and new clients can begin to arrange their participants in the knowledge that events will take place.

Charity Update

We wish Mike “Doc” Cox every success leading the UKAF Charity Bike Ride between June 25th to July 5th.

Go to our charity page to find out more about the ride and to make a donation.

June Update


Welcome to the new website and we hope that you enjoy navigating the site.

Covid still hovers over us but it is time to “Look Up & Look Forward” and to plan for a brighter future.

There will be a certain level of restrictions as we come out of lockdowns in different countries but we need to get back to a situation where we can look forward to travelling, meeting, and enjoy the company of others and share new experiences.

Sport, Music and Education are all important in our lives and the sooner we can enjoy these activities the better it is for our wellbeing.

As part of our restart programme we are bringing our special brand to the UK in the Autumn. Further details to be announced shortly.

We are planning to host this year’s Armistice International Youth Rugby Festival in Compiegne during October. Everything is in place to receive our visitors. A supporting video is available to view on our You Tube Channel. Register your interest using the contact form.

Looking further ahead we are planning a series of events for 2022 and the Rugby World Cup 2023.

For further news visit our pages on Facebook and Twitter.

March Update

As we come out of “The Longest Winter” at Francourt Events we are looking towards the future and how to restart activity and give everyone something to look forward to.

A series of ideas and proposals have been shared with our business partners for dates in 2021, and how we will progress these between 2022 and 2024.  We have also been taking advice from Schools, Clubs and Associations and adapting to what will be a new situation for all of us.

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2021 New Year Message

2020 was the most challenging year for nearly all aspects of the events business. It has also left a deep effect on so many individuals around the world. Last year Covid forced us to postpone our whole programme beyond February. The resultant destruction of events, travel and tourism has cut deep into many companies. Continue reading