March Update

As we come out of “The Longest Winter” at Francourt Events we are looking towards the future and how to restart activity and give everyone something to look forward to.

A series of ideas and proposals have been shared with our business partners for dates in 2021, and how we will progress these between 2022 and 2024.  We have also been taking advice from Schools, Clubs and Associations and adapting to what will be a new situation for all of us.

However, our core values about producing top quality events will not be diminished; and if anything has been enhanced during the lockdown period.

Our big event for 2021 here in France is the Armistice International Youth Rugby Festival based at Compiegne in October. You can view the video about the event here on the website and request an information pack.

In the Autumn we plan to bring our brand to the UK with a series of 1&2day events.  Details about these will be announced as Covid restrictions are relaxed.

Along with everyone we await decisions by various governments about how travel restrictions will be adapted over the next 3-6 months and providing a clearer picture about what will be necessary.

The website will be going through a series of changes over the next few weeks as we introduce new features and update others.

Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you all very soon.  Meanwhile stay safe and lets all look towards a brighter future.